Tag: BVI

BVI BUSINESS: Tribute to Robert Mathavious

Martin Kenney says the BVI owes former BVI Financial Services Commission boss Robert Mathavious “a great deal of debt” over his work for the islands during 40+ years of service.

The Future Of Unexplained Wealth Orders

UWOs were intended to empower UK law enforcement agencies to attack the UK-based assets of high-net worth individuals with shady pasts who owned assets of questionable origin. They could also be used to target UK-held assets of politically exposed persons (PEPs) suspected of grand corruption in their home states.

Third Party Funding of Litigation and Arbitration in the BVI

What are the legal doctrines ⚖️ of ‘champerty and maintenance’ and how could clarifying current uncertainty under BVI law over third-party funding help the BVI in its litigation and arbitration work? Martin Kenney for the IFC Review.