What We Do

Asset Recovery

Most complex fraud cases are now transnational in nature, with fraudsters seeking to launder the proceeds of their deception through numerous bank accounts held by different corporate vehicles, linked in turn to bogus transactions and the purchase of assets (such as real estate, yachts, art and aircraft). In response, our team of lawyers and investigators […]

Investor-State & Commercial Arbitration

The team at MKS has experience of commercial arbitration and investor-state disputes. We were part of the first week-long arbitration to be held at the BVI International Arbitration Centre, concerning a dispute between two high-profile resort owners in the BVI. In addition, Martin Kenney, Andrew Gilliland, Andrew Blackburn and Hakim Creque acted for the Government […]

International Insolvency

Insolvency is a key component within the fraud litigator’s arsenal and its use is an important part of the strategies we often employ in our asset recovery work. Very frequently corporate vehicles, whether offshore or onshore, will have been used as part of the structure through which money is improperly taken and/or laundered. There are […]

Disclosure & Interim Freezing Orders

A key component of our practice’s work is the use of disclosure and interim freezing orders as part of substantive litigation we may run, or ancillary to substantive litigation elsewhere. The BVI and the wider Eastern Caribbean, in common with most English-based jurisdictions, has a wide variety of interim remedies available for effective asset recovery. […]

Complex Commercial Litigation

MKS is experienced in bringing complex proceedings before the BVI Commercial Court, as well as other courts in the Eastern Caribbean, and before Arbitral Tribunals. As with all litigation it is crucial to identify the client’s commercial objectives and to prosecute the action vigorously. The work necessitates experienced commercial litigation practitioners working together with the […]

International & Regional Investigations

MKS boasts two investigative wings, one based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and the other in the UK, bringing decades of policing experience in the investigation of fraud and financial crime. We also boast some of the latest cutting-edge investigative software and a team of younger financial investigation experts. The unit specialises in the […]

Open Source Investigations

Our team is experienced in the use of Open Source Investigation (OSI), which is fundamental to our overall investigatory process. OSI can also be an important tool in the undertaking of enhanced due-diligence tasks. We are regularly tasked with utilising OSI as a tool to identify a suspect’s lifestyle from news and social media outlets. […]

Wider Caribbean Assistance

Because of its beauty and generally ready access to major onshore jurisdictions, the wider Caribbean region has been a magnet for leisure investment and associated infrastructure. When commercial issues arise, or investigations and inquiries are necessitated by clients onshore, they often turn to trusted onshore advisors to pursue whatever remedies are required. In our experience […]

High Value Divorce Proceedings

Martin Kenney & Co. has significant experience in assisting parties during high-value divorce cases; for example, helping them to discover the true ownership of assets placed offshore.