A key component of our practice’s work is the use of disclosure and interim freezing orders as part of substantive litigation we may run, or ancillary to substantive litigation elsewhere.

The BVI and the wider Eastern Caribbean, in common with most English-based jurisdictions, has a wide variety of interim remedies available for effective asset recovery. It is very often both cost effective and vital to obtain such orders – if necessary, including sealing and gagging components – as part of the buildup to substantive litigation.

Clients are often surprised to learn that it is relatively straightforward to obtain an order, which will reveal the identity of the underlying beneficial owner of an offshore company. We have obtained such orders in the BVI and in conjunction with local counsel in jurisdictions as varied as the Cayman Islands, Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, Canada and England & Wales.

Exceptionally, more draconian relief may be obtained, including search and seizure orders or indeed passport surrender orders.