Tag: SFO

COMMENT | The SFO under its new director

Our Head of Investigations, Tony McClements, assesses the first few months of Nick Ephgrave’s days in office at the helm of the Serious Fraud Office in the UK. Tony writes: “Since Ephgrave commenced his tenure, he has made all the right noises. For example, he has committed the SFO to targeting and prosecuting the well-resourced […]

OPINION | Reality dawns for new head of UK Serious Fraud Office

Will new SFO head Nick Ephgrave be able to reverse the organisation’s fortunes and damaged reputation? Martin Kenney and Tony McClements analyse the challenges facing the new head of the Serious Fraud Organisation in the UK.

OPINION | The future of the SFO

The head of our investigations unit, Tony McClements, believes that a merger between the Serious Fraud Office (UK) and the National Crime Agency (NCA) would not only secure the SFO’s remit for the future, but provide its team with the additional resources and expertise that it currently lacks.

Jeopardy at the UK’s Serious Fraud Office?

The credibility of the SFO as an organisation is called into question now: such is the damage it has inflicted upon itself, it may be that the organisation itself – and not just its head – is also under threat.