Tag: martin kenney

LEGAL 500 Caribbean: MKS “Firm To Watch”

We’re pleased that in the first year of our listing, Legal 500 has chosen MKS as a “Firm To Watch” in the Caribbean, noting particular praise for Martin Kenney and Dan Wise.

CONFERENCES | 40th Symposium on Economic Crime (Cambridge)

Following a successful appearance last year, Martin Kenney (Head of Firm), Charles Bott KC (Head of Advocacy) and Tony McClements (Head of Investigations) from MKS will all be appearing at this year’s Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime.

MEDIA COMMENT | UK transparency legislation

Martin Kenney was asked by the Daily Mail newspaper to comment on pressure being brought to bear on the UK government by some UK politicians, who want to tighten regulations and prevent overseas owners of UK property from hiding ultimate ownership details using trusts.

NEW REPORT | ICSID Award Enforcement Risk

What are the difficulties inherent in pursuing a US$6 billion International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) award? Martin Kenney lays out the lessons from a huge case involving a Martin Kenney & Co (MKS) client.

OPINION | Martin Kenney writes for Toronto Star on new US transparency act

In his latest op-ed, for the Toronto Star, our Head of Firm Martin Kenney opines on the likely effectiveness (or otherwise) of the USA’s Corporate Transparency Act, which will create a beneficial ownership database and require the filing of beneficial information from 1st January next year.

WEBINAR | Martin Kenney & Dan Wise speaking to the Beverly Hills Bar Association

On 6th June, our Head of Firm Martin Kenney, along with Partner Dan Wise, will be taking part in a webinar hosted by the Beverly Hills Bar Association – ‘Cross-Border Divorces and Succession Litigation Issues, a Trip through Alice’s Looking Glass – Part Two’.