‘Cross-Border Divorces and Succession Litigation Issues, a Trip through Alice’s Looking Glass – Part Two’

⏰ 6th June 12.30pm-1.30pm Pacific

On 6th June, our Head of Firm Martin Kenney, along with Partner Dan Wise, will be taking part in a webinar hosted by the Beverly Hills Bar Association ‘Cross-Border Divorces and Succession Litigation Issues, a Trip through Alice’s Looking Glass – Part Two’.

Martin and Dan will be talking with David Rice, JD, LL.M, Stephen Mihaly, and Steven Mindel, to discuss the unique legal and tax issues relating to divorces involving U.S. residents married to foreign citizens and succession litigation disputes.

Beverly Hills Bar Association members attend all webinars for free. There is a fee for non-members. Check out all membership options at www.bhba.org/membership