Tag: Dan Wise

OFFSHORE ALERT | MKS sponsoring major London conference

We’re sponsoring the OffshoreAlert London conference next week, with our Partner Dan Wise and our Head of Advocacy Charles Bott KC both taking part in information-packed panels on high-value #assetrecovery tips.

LEGAL 500 Caribbean: MKS “Firm To Watch”

We’re pleased that in the first year of our listing, Legal 500 has chosen MKS as a “Firm To Watch” in the Caribbean, noting particular praise for Martin Kenney and Dan Wise.

WEBINAR | Martin Kenney & Dan Wise speaking to the Beverly Hills Bar Association

On 6th June, our Head of Firm Martin Kenney, along with Partner Dan Wise, will be taking part in a webinar hosted by the Beverly Hills Bar Association – ‘Cross-Border Divorces and Succession Litigation Issues, a Trip through Alice’s Looking Glass – Part Two’.